Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de surround

to surroundrodear

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I surroundyo rodeo
you surroundtú rodeas
he surroundsél rodea
she surroundsella rodea
we surroundnosotros rodeamos
you surroundvosotros rodeáis
they surroundellos rodean
they surroundellas rodean

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I surroundedyo rodeé
you surroundedtú rodeaste
he surroundedél rodeó
she surroundedella rodeó
we surroundednosotros rodeamos
you surroundedvosotros rodeasteis
they surroundedellos rodearon
they surroundedellas rodearon

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have surroundedyo he rodeado
you have surroundedtú has rodeado
he has surroundedél ha rodeado
she has surroundedella ha rodeado
we have surroundednosotros hemos rodeado
you have surroundedvosotros habéis rodeado
they have surroundedellos han rodeado
they have surroundedellas han rodeado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had surroundedyo había rodeado
you had surroundedtú habías rodeado
he had surroundedél había rodeado
she had surroundedella había rodeado
we had surroundednosotros habíamos rodeado
you had surroundedvosotros habíais rodeado
they had surroundedellos habían rodeado
they had surroundedellas habían rodeado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will surroundyo rodearé
you will surroundtú rodearás
he will surroundél rodeará
she will surroundella rodeará
we will surroundnosotros rodearemos
you will surroundvosotros rodearéis
they will surroundellos rodearán
they will surroundellas rodearán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have surroundedyo habré rodeado
you will have surroundedtú habrás rodeado
he will have surroundedél habrá rodeado
she will have surroundedella habrá rodeado
we will have surroundednosotros habremos rodeado
you will have surroundedvosotros habréis rodeado
they will have surroundedellos habrán rodeado
they will have surroundedellas habrán rodeado

I would surroundyo rodearía
you would surroundtú rodearías
he would surroundél rodearía
she would surroundella rodearía
we would surroundnosotros rodearíamos
you would surroundvosotros rodearíais
they would surroundellos rodearían
they would surroundellas rodearían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have surroundedyo habría rodeado
you would have surroundedtú habrías rodeado
he would have surroundedél habría rodeado
she would have surroundedella habría rodeado
we would have surroundednosotros habríamos rodeado
you would have surroundedvosotros habríais rodeado
they would have surroundedellos habrían rodeado
they would have surroundedellas habrían rodeado

Participio presenteAnotado
surrounding rodeando

Participio pasadoAnotado
surrounded rodeado

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